I closed my eyes
Wednesday, 18 June 2008

I closed my eyes
And thought of a life

A life which I could call my own
A faith I can trust never to desert me
How many more tears to shed before I completely cleanse thy Lotus feet

I closed my eyes
And thought of a love

Where care meets its fruition in love
Where a 'bye' just means a sweet wait
And where dreams were not a distant mirage, but a beautiful reality

I closed my eyes
And thought of a home

A home which would be made warm by children laughing
Where roses would bloom and sunflowers would shine
And God would pour his blessings of comfort and happiness

And I kept my eyes closed...

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posted by Munmun at 7:51 pm | Permalink


At 16 July 2008 at 5:35:00 pm IST, Blogger Aprameya

Beautiful. A pretty unorthodox poetry style with irregular line lengths (the style reminds me of Ogden Nash but this is more contemplative and serious). Great going...
Btw, got here through random clickings on the 'bloggeratti' community



At 25 July 2008 at 10:00:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous

Exotic!! Vintage Munmun.. glad to see the old charm still remains. Keep up the good work.


At 15 August 2008 at 5:20:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous

Great Work Sweet Heart.


At 27 December 2008 at 9:36:00 pm IST, Anonymous Anonymous

Amazing poetry...
i m a fan now :0)
hope to see more of these


At 21 January 2009 at 5:08:00 pm IST, Blogger Abhinaba

Nice poetry. Keep it up...


At 19 July 2009 at 12:00:00 am IST, Anonymous Anonymous

When mortals are alive, they worry about death.
When they're full, they worry about hunger.
Theirs is the Great Uncertainty.

But sages don't consider the past.
And they don't worry about the future.
Nor do they cling to the present.
And from moment to moment they follow the Way


At 19 July 2009 at 4:15:00 pm IST, Blogger Munmun

@Aprameya , Thanks for the wonderful compliment! I'm sure I have loads to improve before I even come close o becoming a poet. But thanks for the boost anyways :) Keep visiting!

@Anon-1, Thanks! Who's this btw?

@Suman, Yea, will write another one..lacking inspiration :(

@Abhinaba, Thanks for visiting.. drop in again!

@Anon-2, Wow! that was an awesome insight. And that's so true as well. When we have everything, we still keep craving for more and more. I think most of the times, we look about for a reason to be unhappy and incomplete.. Your short poem definitely made me see things in a different light. Thanks for dropping by..


At 5 October 2009 at 6:30:00 pm IST, Blogger Dheeraj Singh

Hi Munmun you wrote a amazing poetry...

Keep it up.....